Carter (Thomas Jane), a troubled veteran who gets a chance at redemption by protecting a 12 year-old girl from an assassin after she witnesses a murder. Holding a shotgun with a single shell, he engages in physical and psychological warfare in a desperat
Carter (Thomas Jane), a troubled veteran who gets a chance at redemption by protecting a 12 year-old girl from an assassin after she witnesses a murder. Holding a shotgun with a single shell, he engages in physical and psychological warfare in a desperat
人老心不老的鲁本?蒂什科夫(Elliott Gould 饰)拿出全部家当与威利?班克(阿尔?帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)合伙经营赌场饭店。但他忘了,在拉斯韦加斯这个光怪陆离、骗盗横行的地方,防范之心是最不可或缺的。班克混迹赌城多年,奸诈手段让他在此如鱼得水。他骗尽鲁本的钱财,将赌场据为己有。老鲁本不堪如此沉重的打击,从此一病不起。 鲁本的遭遇激怒了他的好友丹尼?奥逊(乔治?克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰),在对威利劝说无效的情况下,他重新集结了包括罗斯蒂?雷恩(布莱德?彼特 Brad P
A young woman rents a house in America's largest ghost town, Jerome, Arizona for a business trip, but soon discovers that the house is cursed and traps any woman who enters it. The house transforms into a maze, making it impossible for the woman to e