克洛伊(基拉·艾伦 Kiera Allen 饰)从一出生起就和母亲(莎拉·保罗森 Sarah Paulson 饰)过着相依为命的生活,在她们的世界里,父亲这一角色是从未存在过,也不可提及的。因为早产,克洛伊的健康面临着非常严重的打击,时时刻刻都在遭受着死亡的威胁,可即便如此,母亲也从未放弃过克洛伊,她凭借着自己坚强的力量将克洛伊抚养长大。 克洛伊体弱多病,半身不遂只能依靠轮椅行动,母亲是她和外界唯一的联系,在母亲的帮助之下,克洛伊靠着自学参加了大学的入学考试,正在焦急的等待着考试结果的公布。某日,克
At 2 Ela lost her ability of seeing and hearing because of a severe illness. And then she became a total disappointment of her family due to her untamed behaviors. But everything changed after an unorthodox teacher stepped into their lives to educate Ela
纽约基斯科山,小青年托比·马歇尔(亚伦·保尔 Aaron Paul 饰)和伙伴们共同经营一家改装车行,他同时也是一名技术精湛的赛车高手。虽然刚刚在一场比赛中赢得奖金,但是车行的经营状况还是到了令人堪忧的底部。恰在此时,拥有专业赛车手资格的土豪迪诺·布鲁斯特(多米尼克·库珀 Dominic Edward Cooper 饰)找上门来。迪诺此前撬走了托比的女友,两人可谓不共戴天。但是迪诺此次给他带来一单不小的改装生意,托比和伙伴们成功打造出一辆时速超过370公里的福特野马,而嫉妒心炽盛的迪诺为了最强赛车手的名号
When his daughter is brutally murdered and legal justice looks unlikely, William Duncan takes the law into his own hands, setting out on a quest for retribution. After killing the street thug who was directly responsible for her death, he finds himself in
It follows a hard-driving LA wine-company executive who travels to an Australian sheep station to land a major client and there she ends up working as a ranch hand and sparking with a rugged local.
A brilliant business lawyer, Laura is about to become a partner. For that, she must return to the small tropical island where she grew up, and convince her childhood friend, Chip, to replace her billionaire grandfather at the head of the company he create
远离尘嚣的一座封闭谷仓内,安娜(劳拉·范德沃特 Laura Vandervoort 饰)、赖安(保罗·布朗斯坦 Paul Braunstein 饰)、米奇(曼德拉·范·皮布尔斯 Mandela Van Peebles 饰)和卡莉(布列塔尼·艾伦 Brittany Allen 饰)从昏迷中醒来。他们的头部被奇怪的装置束缚,颈上的铁链连接着安装了圆锯的铁门。在竖锯的指示下,他们将经历一场场痛彻骨髓的生死考验,并在死神的屠刀面前低头认罪。 繁华都市中,以各种方式惨死的尸体接连出现,共同特征全部指向了拼图杀人